Apr 8, 2012

My Personiality

    Elizabeth Bennet

     Growning up with my four sisters we all have different personalities and how we views on different things.  A lot of people say I am alot different from my sisters. I am a straight-forward kind of girl. I am honest and I will tell you how I honestly feel about something.  I am very protective over my sisters. I type of girl that wants to have a meaningful relationship and  wants to get to know the guy first before I marry him. 
     I am very independent and I am strong too. When it comes to marriage out of us Bennet sisters we have different views.

    Our moms goal in life for us is for us all to get a wealthy man and marry him. She wants us to move out of Longbourn.  All my sisters are always looking for a man to marry. My oldest sister Jane really likes this guy named Mr. Bingley and he is our new neighbor. He is a nice guy, and Jane ends up marrying Mr. Bingley because they both really like each other. One of my younger sisters named Lydia has always like the men in the Military uniforms. When she went with a woman to London to see her husband that was from the Military she fell madly in love with a man named Mr. Wickham. I personally do not like Mr. Wickham because he was poor and had no money. He was going for Lydia because he knew we had some money. Me on the other hand, I am probably the most complicated girl out of the Bennet daughters. I do not think marriage is thing that you should do right away. I believe it takes time and sure enough it does because I found the guy I was looking for. At first I did not like the guy because my first impression was he is rude, snobby rich guy, but it turns out he is a very nice guy. Now, I am married to the guy and his name is Mr. Darcy. Me and Mr. Darcy are both very happy being with each other. Love takes awhile but sure enough it will come eventually when you find the right guy. That's why my personality is different from my sisters.

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